How to set up Shipping on Shopify: Add Multiple Shipping Providers Shopify

shipping on shopify

How to set up Shipping on Shopify: Add Multiple Shipping Providers Shopify

Multiple delivery choices are necessary when operating an online business to meet the varied demands of your consumers. This blog post will walk you through the process of setting up two different shipping costs in your Shopify store so that consumers may check out quickly and easily.

Steps to Add Two Separate Shipping Rates:

  • Navigate to your Shopify admin panel: Log in to your Shopify admin panel and navigate to Settings > Shipping and Delivery.
  • Create a shipping zone: Click on No shipping zones for customers to choose from. Then, click Create a shipping zone and select the countries or regions you want to include in the zone.
  • Add shipping rates: Click Create a shipping rate and give it a descriptive name. Choose whether to charge by weight, price, or order total. Define the weight or price ranges for each rate and enter the corresponding shipping costs. You can add multiple rates for different weights or price brackets within the same shipping method.
  • Repeat for the second shipping provider: Follow steps 2 and 3 to create a separate shipping rate for your second provider. You can choose different pricing structures or weight/price ranges for each provider to offer customers various options.
  • Configure shipping options for specific markets: If you offer shipping to different countries or regions within your chosen zone, you can configure specific shipping rates for each market. Go to Markets within the shipping zone and select the countries you want to configure. Then, choose the shipping rates you want to offer for each market.
  • Test and activate your shipping rates: Once you’ve configured your shipping rates, test them by placing a sample order and selecting different shipping options. Ensure the correct rates are applied based on the weight, price, and destination of the order. Finally, activate the shipping zone to make it available to your customers.

Watch the video to get a step-by-step guide through the procedure:


In conclusion, Adding two separate shipping rates to your Shopify store can be a valuable strategy to improve customer satisfaction, boost conversion rates, and reduce cart abandonment. By following the steps outlined in this blog post and implementing the additional tips, you can ensure a smooth and efficient checkout experience for your customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and business success.

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