How to Connect Godaddy Domain to Shopify Manually

Godaddy domain to Shopify

How to Connect Godaddy Domain to Shopify Manually

Having a polished and recognizable web presence is essential to operating a profitable online shop. Having a unique domain name that represents your business identity and improves the user experience is a big part of this. Moreover, Connecting your GoDaddy domain to Shopify gives you total control over the look and feel of your online business.

This in-depth tutorial will provide you with all the information and instructions you need to manually link your GoDaddy domain to your Shopify store. Regardless of your level of experience with Shopify, following this tutorial will enable you to connect seamlessly and take advantage of the advantages of a custom domain.

Steps by step: Connect Godaddy Domain to Shopify manually

1. Go to Settings > Domains in your Shopify admin panel.

2. Click on “Connect existing domain“.

3. Select “Manually Connect.

4. Navigate to your GoDaddy account and choose your domain’s Manage DNS option.

5. Set the IP address mentioned in the video description as the A record value.

6. Incorporate a new CNAME record with the value “” and the name “www”.

7. Save the modifications you made.

8. Return to the Shopify domains page and choose Verify connection.

9. Your domain should now be connected to your Shopify store

Watch the video below to understand more about how to Connect the Godaddy Domain to Shopify Manually:


In conclusion, The manual procedure of linking your GoDaddy domain to your Shopify store only takes a few minutes to complete. With these steps and the available tools, you may successfully link your GoDaddy domain to your Shopify store manually. However, Recall that the secret to a successful connection is precise DNS record setting and close attention to detail. Once linked, your online store will be reachable with the domain name of your choice, giving your clients a more branded and business-like online buying experience.

If you need help connecting your Shopify store with your GoDaddy domain, you can contact a Shopify development partner.

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